Speaker Application | Kisaco Research

Speaker Application

AI Driven Drug Discovery Summit USA
12-14 November, 2024
Boston, United States

Submission Deadline

We accept submissions until June 28th 2024, 5pm (EST).

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis so we recommend submitting them early to have the best chance of being selected.

Submission Guidelines

To ensure a diverse and comprehensive speaking faculty, we kindly request no more than 3 submissions per organization. Our aim is to facilitate discussions from multiple perspectives within this dynamic space.

Our organisation and conference does not pay honorariums to speakers and will not cover travel & accommodation for them unless in exceptional circumstances.

To ensure the highest quality of presentations, we require that applicants have an active drug pipeline and do not offer services to other drug developers. This criteria ensures that our discussions remain focused on groundbreaking innovations in AI-driven drug discovery.

Our conference serves as a collaborative platform for stakeholders to address industry challenges. As such, we prioritize submissions from speakers representing pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms with active drug pipeline, and academic institutions actively engaged in drug discovery research. Additionally, vendors or service providers interested in presenting at the event are invited to contribute a sponsorship fee.

Response to Submissions

We guarantee a response to every submitted application and offer the chance for one resubmission with adjustments and changes made to the speaker submission. We do require a presentation that will be a good fit for the program to be able to accept applications.